Saturday 3 May 2008

End of training

Well, last night as planned I sneaked out for my first run, the plan was to run for 1 minute and walk for 1 minute, but it was so difficult, I struggled to run for more than 20 seconds, with a 1 minute 40 second walk inbetween. Was doing ok at that, until I came to the last corner of the triangle, jogged merrily across the road (the end was in sight) and then put my foot down a pot hole and went no further.
Spent this morning in a&e (No-one would take me last night) there are no bones broken, but I have torn the ligaments in my foot, which means I have to sit with it elevated for the next 48 hours, then start putting weight onto it on Monday.
Not exactly what I had planned for my Bank Holiday Weekend, can't do any jogging for 4 weeks either.

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